BIM promises up to 20% efficiency gain in the Building Lifecycle Management
Gains are directly linked to the quality of BIM data. That means the BIM process needs to be centered on the BIM Model and supported by engaged Stakeholders.
Success depends on the capacity of all stakeholders to contribute and trust the common model.

Motivation to commit and
share BIM data are still
to be improved
BIM can be perceived as an extra work to produce temporary data on top of existing 2D and legally binding paper-based processes.
Other blockers such as low data confidentiality, lack of copyright enforcement, doubts about responsibilities and quality of peer contributions make collaboration inefficient.

New Incentives can be deployed to produce Data of better quality
Making the model legally binding reinforces the accountability in delivering data of high quality and removes the burden of paper.
It has to come with mechanisms to better protect IP, to limit the scope of liability, to ensure every stakeholders share the same level of commitment and to link payments directly with by BIM deliverables.

Blockchain can secure transactions between untrusted counterparties
It has the power to prove undeniably that an event occurred, without the need of trusted centralized authorities.

Registering digital proofs of data transactions, we create legally binding traceability
When attached to a verified identity, these proofs function as electronic signatures.

Smart Contracts
are code executing
unstoppale actions
A proven event triggering automatically contractual actions, brings fluidity and trust in the process.